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Building bridges between different organisations to enable connection, exchange, important musical/personal /cultural experiences between young musicians from different countries and backgrounds.
#youthjazztalent under 24 #jazzfuturenow
Patricia Pascal
*unless otherwise mentioned
(all rights reserved)
(2022) Building the bridge between Arhus Friskole, a school in Denmark touring in Europe, and Skoola, a urban school in Lisbon/Portugal. The result was an amazing day of music-making and cultural exchange.

@skoolavu (PT) X Arhus Friskole (Denmark) @villageundergroundlisboa
Mar 2022 / Lisbon / PT

@skoolavu (PT) X Arhus Friskole (Denmark) @villageundergroundlisboa
Mar 2022 / Lisbon / PT

@skoolavu (PT) X Arhus Friskole (Denmark) @villageundergroundlisboa
Mar 2022 / Lisbon / PT

@skoolavu (PT) X Arhus Friskole (Denmark) @villageundergroundlisboa
Mar 2022 / Lisbon / PT
(2018 & 2019) Collaboration between Jazznewblood and Barnas Jazzhus/Kids in Jazz Fest to bring young musicians under 16 from UK into Norway to play and perform in Oslo with local young musicians.
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