Our partners
Jazznewblood was created in 2015 by Talent developer, artist manager, talent booker, photographer, Patricia Pascal.
Press :
Interview with Raul da Gama for jazzdagama.com (Mar 2018-CA)
Interview with Charlie Anderson for Sussex Jazz Magazine (Mar 2020-UK)
Feature at Jazzthetik by Sebastian Scotney (Apr 2020-DE)
Feature at London Jazz News by Sebastien Scotney (Apr 2020-UK)
Jazznewblood mission is to profile+support+promote the amazingly talented new generations of jazz players/bands, aged 14-24yrs, around the world with a focus on the UK and other European young talents.
To develop that mission working around image, audio and video. The most important promotion tools in an artist career.
jazznewbloodALIVE showcase series part of EFGLondonJazzFestival:
A Showcase festival to highlight the best talent under development in our
Youth Jazz scene 14-24yrs = Diverse original compositions, jazz-inspired.
We like to be small and working to create a cult stage to see future stars
in the making;
#jazznewbloodALIVE2016 @IKLECTIK:
Ridout 6tet (feat Alex and Tom Ridout)+Tommy Remon5tet
Romarna Campbell+KasiaKawalek5tet+Nihilism
Sam Barnett5tet+Zoe Pascal+PeterWilsonTrio
Roella Oloro+Noah Stoneman Trio+Ife Ogunjobi+Rosie Frater-Taylor+
Quinn Oulton+Brother´s Testament
Donovan Haffner+Isobella Burnham+Tara Cunningham+Emma
Rawicz+Saskia Horton
#jazznewbloodALIVE2020 ONLINE:
Morgan Wallace+Manny+Scottie Thompson+Maddy Combs+Sultan Stevenson+XVNGO+Diogo Alexandre (PT)+Max Diller (DE)+Zé Almeida (PT)
Samuel Gapp (DE)+Francesca Remigi (IT)+Tal Arditi (IL)
Allexa Nava+Kielan Sheard+Scottie Thompson+Morgan Wallace+
Miles Mindlin+Sultan Stevenson+Maddy Coombs+XNVGO
In 2022 #jazznewbloodALIVE is taking a break!
jazznewblood Photo archive:
#momentrecorder aka photographer - Patricia Pascal - uses her skill to build a dedicated promo photo archive of the jazz talent of tomorrow and at the same time provides an important professional tool like quality promotional photos.
Jazznewblood runs a promo photo campaign for young musicians under 24 to give them access to low-rate photo sessions.
Those photos have been widely used by promotors and featured in magazines like Jazzwise, London Jazz News, etc.
"To catch them and record their development in images from early stages in their careers, is an ambition and a privilege"; - Part of our annual festival we exhibit our collection of photos in collaboration with Steve Funky Feet and other photographers covering the Youth Jazz Scene. -
jazznewblood #promotingyoungjazztalent:
Being a young and talented musician is not easy. This generation needs stages to develop and we work in collaboration/ consultancy with venues, festivals, and promoters to increase the performance opportunities for young talent. We have worked with Iklectik, Ronnie Scotts, JazzCafe, London Jazz Festival, Shades of Soul @PizzaExpressSoho, Red Bull, New Generation Jazz @The Verdict/ Love Supreme Festival (Brighton), Cambridge Jazz Festival (Cambridge), Omnibus, GWJazz, Berkeley homes, Jazztroniz (Paris/FR), Hot Club (Lisbon/PT), Cascais Jazz Club (Cascais/PT), Woolwich Works, etc. Between 2016-2022 we've worked with +60 different young bands and made +80 concerts happen to promote #youthjazztalent. -
jazznewblood Audio archive:
We professionally record all concerts at our jazznewbloodALIVE series
( see Audio Archive Page) to help young talented improvisers create their own promotional audio portfolio, we will do this every year and release a #jazznewbloodALIVE compilation on the following #JazzInternatinalday. We want to develop other projects in the scope of AUDIO regarding new compositions, improvisation, radio, etc...focusing directly on promoting youth jazz talent, increasing diversity and decreasing segregation in the jazz scene. Jazz should be an important way to also increase the spirit of sharing and collaborating. -
Podcast/radio show is dedicated to debut albums, new singles, new EP´s, Live recordings. New music released by young talent and debut music released by great music legends, 'The start of everything'.
Broadcasted monthly on Resonance.fm(UK), Radio Alhara (Palestina), Radio de Cabo Verde (CV/Africa), Radio Pacoul (FR), Radio Olisipo (Portugal) and also on all online platforms like simplecast, Apple podcasts, etc.
#1 Portugal, #1 Chile, #1 Bosnia and Herzegovina, #2 Belgium
#2 Antigua and Barbuda, #4 Spain, #5 Italy, #5 Cameron, #6 Mexico,
#6 South Africa, #6 Vietnam, #6 Sweden, #7 Egypt, #9 Netherlands, #10 Côte d’Ivoire, #12 Russia, #14 Finland, #13 Romania, #18 United Arab Emirates, #19 Japan, #19 Turkey, #20 Tawain, #20 Kenya
#21 South Korea, #22 Canada, #22 CZ, #24 Thailand, #26 New Zealand, #25 Germany, #31 UK, #33 Israel, #35 Switzerland,#41 Norway,
#41 Malaysia, #42 India, #44 Denmark, #77 Brazil, #105 FR, #200 USA -
This independent digital label, with distribution by Believe, is home to the yearly #jazznewbloodALIVE compilation and will release only original LIVE recordings by young talented jazz-inspired artists with ages under 24 - https://jazznewblood.bandcamp.com/. -
jazznewblood Video archive:
To develop a video channel to include videos from all the performances at jazznewbloodALIVE and other video series. -
WLEDJAZZ FEST Series part of EFG London Jazz Festival:
To Support #Womxnjazzpower and gender equality:
WLedJazz Fest 2021 - Nov. 16 & 17 @WoolwichWorks - 2 days, 6 artists: Plumm, Rosie Frater-Taylor, Raquel Martins, Sheila Maurice-Grey, Rachel Cohen, Juanita Euka.
WLedJazzFest 2022 - Nov 17 & 19 @WoolwichWorks - 2 days, 4 artists: Tara Cunnigham, Maria Grapsa, INEZA and Emily Roberts. -
#buildingbridgesnetwork: Creating opportunities/Bridges for young people from different backgrounds, different cultures and different countries to connect thru music is essential.
Building bridges is an action plan/project in development aiming at creating a network of connections between different organisations to enable exchanges, which I'm very passionate about.
-26/03/2021 - I created the bridge between Arhus (a School in Denmark) and Skolla (a School in Portugal) resulting in an afternoon of music exchange between more than 20 Young musicians in Lisbon;
-2018 & 2019 - I took 2 young musicians (India Pascal -pianist & Keira - Flute player) from London to Norway to collaborate with a local Oslo school - Barnas Jazzhus - and participate in the Festival 'Kids in Jazz'.
More to come.. -
Support #kidsinjazz #jazz4kidsplayedbykids : more Jazz for children and young people performed by children and young people to work both on the development of young Jazz audiences and inspiring future generations of Jazz players.
"Pat Pascal and Jazz New Blood are an incredibly value creating organisation pushing the young aspiring UK jazz musicians to furthure on their careers! They have supported me endlessly throughout the last few years and have provided me and many others with some incredible oppurtunities of growth wether it be giving us a platform to perform new music, or offering an incredibly high quality photo shoot and helping out with helping to promotional side of things - Patricia is an incredibly lovely and giving soul who really cares for the future of this music and also someone that has major experience in the jazz industry as a tour booker/promoter! I love and totally support
what Jazznewblood stand for!!!" Tommy Remon
(Artist JazznewbloodALIVE2016)
"You have been really great to work with and I can't stress enough how important this platform is for promoting up and coming talent! Long live jazznewblood!! " Tara Cunningham (Artist JazznewbloodALIVE2019)
"Jazznewblood is a wonderful organisation and community that has helped me in my journey as a professional jazz musician immensely. I have felt supported and have been able to access so many more opportunities through jazznewblood and have been able to grow so much as a musician as a result of it. Thanks to everyone at jazznewblood I am now much more developed as a young musician, composing, gigging and even recording my music have come out of the great opportunity jazznewblood have given me."
Emma Rawicz (Artist JazznewbloodALIVE2019)
"The best! Great scheme for supporting young people+live music!"
Seth Tackaberry (Artist JazznewbloodALIVE2018)
"Pat spots talent and works for the benefit of the artist, not for her promotional enterprise. That is unusual and highly desirable."
Jack Fallow, Vice-Chair and Trusty @NYJO
"Through the course of just over 3years #jazznewblood https://www.jazznewblood.org/about has become an integral voice/ platform within the UK/European jazz scene. A unique, vibrant organisation, showcasing and nurturing emergent young artists through a showcase events series, video and audio footage and photo archive. Pat Pascal’s vision and drive has created something timely, extraordinary and wonderful. Recognising all the mixing/re-imagining of different musics going on right now. Can’t praise it enough! #jazznewblood #femalejazzpower #makingjazzhappen #jazzreimagined Truly amazing. " Ruth Herbert
"Jazz Newblood has described its mission as being “nurturing youth jazz talent”. , a function it undertakes supremely well. These showcase events offer young musicians an opportunity to demonstrate their talents to appreciative audiences in a comfortable and relaxed venue with good acoustics and lighting. It represents a chance to shine and many of the artists featured here have gone to bigger things." Ian Mann (thejazzmann.com)
"This was an inspiring #jazznewblood show at IKLECTIK - three upbeat and varied sets by young artists - Kasia Kawalek5tet Romarna Campbell Blan(c)anvas and the impressive jazz-grime collective Nihilism.
All three bands were led (or co-led in the case of Nihilism) by women – another sign, if one was needed, that jazz is no longer the male-dominated music form it has often been."
Joe Paice/PizzaExpress (London Jazz news)
WLED JAZZ Review: "All-in-all, the whole experience was really amazing. From the iconic venue to the phenomenally talented acts this event really had it all! It’s really great to see that women’s contribution to music, and particularly Jazz, is starting to be more celebrated and noticed! I’m honoured to have been part of the whole evening." Greg Hollywood - Vibe Rating
We aim at #youthjazztalent under 24 and we want to bring you #jazzfuturenow
jazznewblood@gmail.com - Patricia Pascal
Based in London but with eyes, ears & heart open to the WORLD!
